The Challenges of Systems Biology: Community Efforts to Harness Biological Complexity, Volume 1158ISBN: 978-1-57331-751-1
300 pages
May 2009, Wiley-Blackwell
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Part I: Selected Papers from the ENFIN-DREAM Joint Conference
1. Ranking genes by their co-expression to subsets of pathway members: Priit Adler, Hedi Peterson, Phaedra Agius, Jüri Reimand, and Jaak Vilo
2. Creating reference datasets for Systems Biology applications using text mining: Martin Krallinger, Ana Maria Rojas, and Alfonso Valencia Selected Papers from the DREAM2 Conference Transcriptional Modules and Regulatory Networks
3. Condition-dependent combinatorial regulation in Escherichia coli: Karen Lemmens, Tijl De Bie, Thomas Dhollander, Pieter Monsieurs, Bart De Moor, Julio Collado-Vides, Kristof Engelen, and Kathleen Marchal
4. Reverse-engineering transcriptional modules from gene expression data: Tom Michoel, Riet De Smet , Anagha Joshi, Kathleen Marchal and Yves Van de Peer Signaling and Metabolic Networks
5. Specification of spatial relationships in directed graphs of cell signaling networks: Azi Lipshtat, Susana R. Neves, and Ravi Iyengar
6. Uncovering metabolic objectives pursued by changes of enzyme levels:
Sabrina Hoffmann and Hermann-Georg Holzhütter. Biological Network Models
7. Modeling of Gene Regulatory Network Dynamics Using Threshold Logic: Tejaswi Gowda, Sarma Vrudhula, and Seungchan Kim
8. Global robustness and identifiability of random, scale-free and small-world networks: Yunchen Gong and Zhaolei Zhang Reverse Engineering Algorithms
9. DREAM Project: The five-gene-network data analysis with Local Causal Discovery Algorithm using Causal Bayesian networks: Changwon Yoo and Erik Brilz
10. Combining multiple results of a network reverse engineering algorithm: Daniel Marbach, Claudio Mattiussi, and Dario Floreano
11. Network inference by combining biologically motivated regulatory constraints with penalized regression: Fabio Parisi, Heinz Koeppl, and Felix Naef.Computation Tools for Reverse Engineering
12. A Gene Network Simulator to Assess Reverse Engineering Algorithms: Barbara Di Camillo, Gianna Toffolo, and Claudio Cobelli
13. A Network Inference Workflow Applied to Virulence-related Processes in Salmonella typhimurium: Ronald C. Taylor, Mudita Singhal, Jennifer Weller, Saeed Khoshnevis, Liang Shi, and Jason McDermott
Part II: Best Performer Papers from the DREAM2 Challenges
Overview of the DREAM2 Challenges
14. Lessons from the DREAM2 Challenges: a community effort to assess biological network inference: Gustavo Stolovitzky, Robert J. Prill, and Andrea Califano The BCL6 Target Discovery Challenge Best Performer Papers
15. DREAM2 Challenge: Integrated Multi-Array Supervised Learning Algorithm for BCL-6 Transcriptional Targets Prediction: W.H. Lee, V. Narang, H. Xu, F. Lin, K.C. Chin, W.K. Sung
16. A data integration framework for prediction of transcription factor targets: a BCL6 case study: Matti Nykter, Harri Lähdesmäki, Alistair Rust, Vesteinn Thorsson, and Ilya Shmulevich
17. Inferring direct regulatory targets of a transcription factor in the DREAM2 Challenge: Vinsensius B. Vega, Xing Yi Woo, Habib Hamidi, Hock Chuan Yeo, Zhen Xuan Yeo, Guillaume Bourque, and Neil D. Clarke The Protein–Protein Interaction Challenge Best Performer Paper
18. A Probabilistic Graph-theoretic Approach to Integrate Multiple Predictions for the Protein-Protein Subnetwork Prediction Challenge: Chua Hon Nian, Hugo Willy, Liu Guimei, Li Xiaoli, Wong Limsoon, Ng See-Kiong The Five Gene Network Challenges Best Performer Papers
19. Replaying the Evolutionary Tape: Biomimetic Reverse Engineering of Gene Networks: Daniel Marbach, Claudio Mattiussi, and Dario Floreano
20. Inferring Gene Networks: Dream or nightmare? Part 1: Challenges 1 and 3: Angela Baralla, Wieslawa Mentzen, Alberto de la Fuente
The in Silico Network Challenges Best Performer Papers
21. NIRest: a tool for gene network and mode of action inference: Mario Lauria, Francesco Iorioa, and Diego di Bernardo
22. Reverse Engineering of Gene Networks with LASSO and Non-Linear Basis Functions: Mika Gustafsson, Michael Hörnquist, Jesper Lundström, Johan Björkegren, and Jesper Tegnér
23. Prediction of Pair-wise Gene Interaction Using Threshold Logic: Tejaswi Gowda, Sarma Vrudhul, and Seungchan Kim
24. Inferring Gene Networks: Dream or nightmare? Part 2: Challenges 4 and 5: Alan Scheinine, Wieslawa Mentzen, E. Pieroni, F. Maggio, G. Mancosu, and Alberto de la Fuente The Genome Scale Challenge Best Performer Paper
25. Inference of regulatory gene interactions from expression data using three-way mutual information: John Watkinson, Kuo-ching Liang, Xiaodong Wang, Tian Zheng and Dimitris Anastassiou
Index of Contributors