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Healthy Aging and Longevity: Third International Conference, Volume 1114

ISBN: 978-1-57331-680-4
500 pages
November 2007, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $183.00
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Healthy Aging and Longevity: Third International Conference, Volume 1114 (1573316806) cover image

Preface: Noah J. Weller, John D. Weller, and Christian J. Weller.

Part I: Biogerontology:.

1. The Science of Healthy Aging: Genes, Milieu and Chance: Suresh I. S. Rattan.

2. Pursuing the Longevity Dividend: Scientific Goals for an Aging World: S. Jay Olshansky, Daniel Perry, Richard A. Miller, and Robert N. Butler.

3. Senescence Viewed Through the Lens of Comparative Biology: Bruce A. Carnes.

4. Cytomegalovirus Infection: A Driving Force in Human T cell Immunosenescence: Sven Koch, Anis Larbi, Dennis Özcelik, Rafael Solana, Cécile Gouttefangeas, Sebastian Attig, Anders Wikby, Jan Strindhall, Claudio Franceschi, Graham Pawelec.

5. Transcriptional Regulation of Telomerase Activity: Roles of the Ets Transcription Factor Family: Julie Dwyer, He Li, Dakang Xu, and Jun-Ping Liu.

6. Potential Roles for Estrogen Regulation of Telomerase Activity in Aging: Sharyn Bayne, Margaret E. E. Jones, He Li and Jun-Ping Liu.

7. Mechanisms of Action of TGFb in Cancer: Evidence for Smad3 as a Repressor of the hTERT Gene: He Li and Jun-Ping Liu.

8. Evidence That Autophagy Is Involved in Aging and Is an Essential Part in the Anti-aging Mechanism of Caloric Restriction: Ettore Bergamini, Gabriella Cavallini, Alessio Donati and Zina Gori.

9. Age-related Changes in the Liver Sinusoidal Endothelium Are a Mechanism for Dyslipidemia: David G. Le Couteur, Victoria C. Cogger, Robert S. McCuskey, Rafael de Cabo, Bård Smedsrød, Karen K Sorensen, Alessandra Warren, Robin Fraser.

10. Effects of Old Age on Hepatocyte Oxygenation: Rajkumar Cheluvappa, Sarah N Hilmer, Sun Young Kwun, Victoria C Cogger, David G Le Couteur.

11. Comparative Analysis of Mitochondrial Genotype and Aging: J. William O. Ballard, Subhash D. Katewa, Richard G. Melvin, and Grace Chan.

Part II: Clinical Perspective:.

12. Fit and Well at 80: Defying the Stereotypes of Age and Illness: Julie Byles.

13. Delaying Dementia and Nursing Home Placement: The Dubbo Study of Elderly Australians over 14 Years: John McCallum, Leon A. Simons, Judith Simons, and Yechiel Friedlander.

14. Patients with Dementia and Their Carers: Charles Bridges-Webb, Belinda Giles, Catherine Speechly, Yvonne Zurynski, Navaz Hiramanek.

15. Healthy Aging: Can Clinical Trials Deliver?: Erica Bell.

16. Debating the Influence of Self-reports by People Living with Chronic Disease on Healthy Aging and Longevity: Kay Price.

17. Health and Aged Care Enabled by Information Technology: Jeffrey Soar and Youngjoon Seo.

18. Healthy Aging as an Intervention to Minimize Falls Injury among Older People: Nancye May Peel, Helen Patricia Bartlett, Roderick John McClure.

19. Building an Infrastructure to Prevent Falls in Older Californians: The Fall Prevention Center of Excellence: Debra J. Rose, Gretchen E. Alkema, In Hee Choi, Christy M. Nishita, & Jon Pynoos.

20. Age-related Changes in Strength and Somato-sensation during Mid-life Support Rationale for Targeted Preventive Intervention Programs: Nancy L Low Choy, Sandra G Brauer, Jennifer C Nitz.

21. Living Well until You Die: Quality of Care and Quality of Life in Palliative and Dementia Care: Neil Small.

22. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use by Older Australians: Anthony L Zhang, Charlie CL Xue, Vivian Lin, David F Story.

23. Anti-Aging Medicine and the Cultural Context of Aging in Australia : Beatriz Cardona.

Part III : Socio-cultural Perspective:.

24. Are We Getting Healthier as We Grow Older? Implications for Baby Boomer Labour Force Participation: Deborah J Schofield, Megan E Passey, Arul Earnest, Ian C Gloor, Rupendra Shrestha.

25. Independence, Wellbeing and Social Participation in an Aging Population: Fiona Alpass, Andy Towers, Christine Stephens, Eljon Fitzgerald, Brendan Stevenson, and Judith Davey.

26. Grey Nomads' in Australia: Are They a Good Model for Successful Aging and Health: Paul F. D. Higgs, Frances Quirk.

27. Affordable Rental Housing for Older People in Australia: What Do Older People Want?: Colleen Maria Cartwright.

28. Retirement Planning and Expectation of Australian Babyboomers: Are They Ready?: Wendy Hunter, Wei Wang and Anthony Worsley.

29. Age Identity, Age Perceptions, and Health: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging: Panayotes Demakakos, Edlira Gjonca, and James Nazroo.

30. Community Attitudes to the Regulation of Life Extension: Mair Underwood, Helen Bartlett and Wayne Hall.

31. Тhe Еlderly in a Period of Transition: Health, Personality and Social Aspects of Adaptation: Ignat C. Petrov.

32. The Human Mosaic: Cultural Beliefs and Health Professions Training: Rosellen M. Rosich.

33. Lifestyle of the Elderly in Rural and Urban Malaysia: Doris Padmini Selvaratnam and Poo Bee Tin.

34. Healthy Aging for Caregivers: What Are Their Needs?: Tina Wu and Karen Lo.

35. Well for Life, A Way of Life: Wendi A. Kruger, Catherine E. Thompson, Rosemary A. McKenzie, Lucio Naccarella.

36. A Management Control System for the Development, Contracting and Monitoring of Services for Older People: Stephen Jacobs.

37. The New Caring: Financial Asset Management and Older People: Cheryl Tilse, Jill Wilson, Deborah Setterlund, Linda Rosenman.

38. Involving Service Users and their Carers as Equal Partners on a Project Using Electronic Communication: Susan M Ashby, Sian E Maslin-Prothero, Amelia C Rout.

Part IV: Interventions:.

39. Nutritional Interventions in Aging and Age-associated Diseases : George S. Roth, Donald K. Ingram, James A. Joseph.

40. From Beans to Berries and Beyond: Teamwork between Plant Chemicals for Protection of Optimal Human Health: Mary Ann Lila.

41. Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Age-related Membrane Changes in the Heart: Salvatore Pepe.

42. Dietary Influences on Cognitive Function with Aging: From High Fat Diets to Healthful Eating: Matthew D Parrotta, Carol E Greenwood.

43. Combining an Antioxidant Fortified Diet with Behavioral Enrichment Leads to Cognitive Improvement and Reduced Brain Pathology in Aging Canines: Strategies for Healthy Aging: Elizabeth Head.

44. The Effect of Resveratrol on a Cell Model of Human Aging: Maurizio Stefani, M. Andrea Markus, Ruby C. Y. Lin, Mark Pinese, Ian W. Dawes, and Brian J. Morris.

45. Intermittent Dietary Restriction as a Practical Aging Intervention: Sandeep Sharma and Gurcharan Kaur.

46. Life Extension by Calorie Restriction in Humans: Arthur V Everitt, David G Le Couteur.

47. Caloric Restriction, the Traditional Okinawan Diet and Healthy Aging: The Diet of the World's Longest-Lived People and Its Potential Impact on Morbidity and Lifespan: Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox, Hidemi Todoriki, Akira Fujiyoshi, Katsuhiko Yano, Qimei He, J. David Curb, Makoto Suzuki.

48. Evidence-based Practice: Limitations and Successful Implementation: Rhonda Maree Nay and Deirdre Marie Ann Fetherstonhaugh

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