Nonlinear Dynamics in Astronomy and Physics: In Memory of Henry Kandrup, Volume 1045ISBN: 978-1-57331-591-3
336 pages
June 2005, Wiley-Blackwell
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1. In Memory of Henry Emil Kandrup. (James R. Ipser).
2. Henry Kandrup's Ideas About Relaxation of Stellar Systems. (David Merritt).
3. Chaotic Collisionless Evolution in Galaxies and Charged-Particle Beams. (Henry E. Kandrup, Courtlandt L. Bohn, Rami A. Kishek, Patrick G. O'shea, Martin Reiser, and Ioannis V. Sideris).
4. Chaotic Dynamics in Charged-Particle Beams: Possible Analogs of Galactic Evolution. (Courtlandt L. Bohn).
5. The University of Maryland Electron Ring: A Platform For Study of Galactic Dynamics on a Laboratory Scale. (R A. Kishek, P G. O'shea, S Bernal, I Haber, J R. Harris, Y Huo, H Li, and M Reiser).
6. Wavelet-Based Poisson Solver for Use in Particle-in-Cell Simulations. (Balsa Terzic and Ilya V. Pogorelov).
7. Energy Trapping in Loaded String Models with Long- and Short-Range Couplings. (Ilya V. Pogorelov and Henry E. Kandrup).
8. Characterization of Chaos: A New, Fast, and Effective Measure. (Ioannis V. Sideris).
9. Hard Sphere Dynamics for Normal and Granular Fluids. (James W. Dufty and Aparna Baskaran).
10. Nonlinear Stability of Newtonian Galaxies and Stars from a Mathematical Perspective. (Gerhard Rein).
11. Chaos in Orbits Due to Disk Crossings. (C Hunter).
12. Systems with Escapes. (G Contopoulos and M Harsoula).
13. On Bars and Haloes: Their Interaction and Their Orbital Structure. (E Athanassoula).
14. The Basic Dynamical Mechanism in Spiral Galaxies. (Daniel Pfenniger and Yves Revaz).
15. The Two Pattern Speeds of NGC 335. (Veera Boonyasait, P A Patsis, and S T Gottesman).
16. Evolution of Binary Supermassive Black Holes via Chain Regularization. (Andras Szell, David Merritt, and Seppo Mikkola).
17. Gravitomagnetic Field and Penrose Scattering Processes. (Reva Kay Williams).
18. Self-Gravity Driven Instabilities at Accelerated Interfaces. (Robert M. Hueckstaedt, James H. Hunter, Jr., and Richard V.E. Lovelace).
19. Dynamics of Intracluster Gas and Bulk Motions in Clusters. (Renato Dupke).
20. Resonance Bands and Binary-Star Formation. (Norman R. Lebovitz).
21. The Symplectic Group and Classical Mechanics. (Alex J. Dragt).
22. Chaos and Quantum Mechanics. (Salman Habib, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Benjamin Greenbaum, Kurt Jacobs, Kosuke Shizume, and Bala Sundaram).
Afterword. (Chris Hunter).
aindex of Contributors.