A Companion to CatullusISBN: 978-1-4443-3925-3
616 pages
December 2010, Wiley-Blackwell
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Other Available Formats: Hardcover
List of Illustrations x
Acknowledgments xi
Abbreviations xiii
Notes on Contributors xx
1 Introduction 1
Marilyn B. Skinner
Part I The Text and the Collection 11
2 History and Transmission of the Text 13
J. L. Butrica
3 Authorial Arrangement of the Collection: Debate Past and
Present 35
Marilyn B. Skinner
Part II Contexts of Production 55
4 The Valerii Catulli of Verona 57
T. P. Wiseman
5 The Contemporary Political Context 72
David Konstan
6 The Intellectual Climate 92
Andrew Feldherr
7 Gender and Masculinity 111
Elizabeth Manwell
Part III Influences 129
8 Catullus and Sappho 131
Ellen Greene
9 Catullus and Callimachus 151
Peter E. Knox
Part IV Stylistics 173
10 Neoteric Poetics 175
W. R. Johnson
11 Elements of Style in Catullus 190
George A. Sheets
12 Catullus and Elite Republican Social Discourse 212
Brian A. Krostenko
Part V Poems and Groups of Poems 233
13 Catullus and the Programmatic Poem: The Origins, Scope, and
Utility of a Concept 235
William W. Batstone
14 The Lesbia Poems 254
Julia T. Dyson Hejduk
15 Sexuality and Ritual: Catullus’ Wedding Poems 276
Vassiliki Panoussi
16 Catullan Intertextuality: Apollonius and the Allusive Plot of
Catullus 64 293
Jeri Blair DeBrohun
17 Poem 68: Love and Death, and the Gifts of Venus and the Muses
Elena Theodorakopoulos
18 Social Commentary and Political Invective 333
W. Jeffrey Tatum
Part VI Reception 355
19 Catullus and Horace 357
Randall L. B. McNeill
20 Catullus and Vergil 377
Christopher Nappa
21 Catullus and Roman Love Elegy 399
Paul Allen Miller
22 Catullus and Martial 418
Sven Lorenz
23 Catullus in the Renaissance 439
Julia Haig Gaisser
24 The Modern Reception of Catullus 461
Brian Arkins
Part VII Pedagogy 479
25 Catullus in the Secondary School Curriculum 481
Ronnie Ancona and Judith P. Hallett
26 Catullus in the College Classroom 503
Daniel H. Garrison
Part VIII Translation 521
27 Translating Catullus 523
Elizabeth Vandiver
Consolidated Bibliography 542
General Index 568
Index Locorum 585