Political Atlas of the Modern World: An Experiment in Multidimensional Statistical Analysis of the Political Systems of Modern StatesISBN: 978-1-4443-3580-4
256 pages
October 2010, Wiley-Blackwell
“While only a statistician could properly evaluate the authors’methodology, they have compiled a book which will well deserve the attention of the world’s political scientists and global strategists.” (Reference Reviews Journal, 2011)
"Recognizing the need for more a more nuanced approach to cross-national comparison, the authors of A Political Atlas of the Modern World have developed a multidimensional classification that encompasses and enhances existing tools. By combining critical concepts in comparative politics and international relations, the Atlas serves as a valuable reference for scholars and practitioners, as well as a remarkable tool for students to evaluate global politics and better understand methods of political research."
—Erik Herron, University of Kansas
"This volume provides one of the most ambitious attempts at
classifying political systems across the world, based upon existing
empirical data. The volume not only critically assesses existing
data sets but tries to tap into the data to provide a series of
rankings that might be used by comparative political scientists.
This will be a very useful source for years to come."
—John Ishiyama, University of North Texas