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Nephrology: Clinical Cases Uncovered

ISBN: 978-1-4051-8990-3
272 pages
March 2010, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $65.50
Government Price: US $37.72
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Nephrology is an important speciality; patients with acute or chronic kidney failure are encountered in every medical and surgical speciality, as well as in general practice. On most general medical rotations and on most surgical wards there are patients with renal problems. Renal medicine is taught on rotation during degree courses, and Foundation training programmes frequently include attachments in nephrology, urology, and renal transplantation. Nephrology: Clinical Cases Uncovered contains clinical presentations with real-life patient cases and outcomes as seen on the wards and in exams, and leads students through a practical approach to diagnosis and management of kidney disease.

Following a question-answer approach, including self-assessment material and a ‘refresher’ section on the basic science of this clinical area, Nephrology: Clinical Cases Uncovered features investigations and the treatment options available for patients with renal disease, including those requiring renal replacement therapy with dialysis and transplantation. Difficult concepts are clarified, using simple diagrams to explain the link between pathology and clinical presentation.

Nephrology: Clinical Cases Uncovered is ideal for medical students, junior doctors on the Foundation Programme, GP trainees, and specialist nurses and nurse practitioners. This book is also a useful refresher for nephrology trainees at the beginning of their specialist training programme.

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