Ireland 1798-1998: War, Peace and Beyond, 2nd EditionISBN: 978-1-4051-8961-3
558 pages
April 2010, ©2010, Wiley-Blackwell
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List of Maps.
List of Abbreviations.
1 Introduction.
1.1 Ends of the Century.
1.2 Modes and Frameworks of Interpretation.
2 The Birth of Modern Irish Politics, 1790–8.
2.1 The Origins of the Crisis.
2.2 Constitutional Radicalism to Revolution, 1791–8.
3 Disuniting Kingdoms, Emancipating Catholics, 1799–1850.
3.1 The Union, 1799–1801.
3.2 The Catholic Question, 1799–1829.
3.3 Justice for Ireland, 1830–41.
3.4 Utilitarians and Romantics, 1841–8.
3.5 The Orange Party, 1798–1853.
4 The Ascendancy of the Land Question, 1845–91.
4.1 Guilty Men and the Great Famine.
4.2 Pivot or Accelerator?
4.3 Brigadiers and Fenians.
4.4 Home Rule: A First Definition.
4.5 Idealists and Technicians: The Parnellite Party, 1880–6.
4.6 A Union of Hearts and a Broken Marriage: Parnellism, 1886–91.
5 Greening the Red, White and Blue: The End of the Union, 1891–1921.
5.1 The Irish Parliamentary Party, 1891–1914.
5.2 Paths to the Post Office: Alternatives to the Irish Parliamentary Party, 1891–1914.
5.3 The Parliamentarians and their Enemies, 1914–18.
5.4 Making and Unmaking Unionism, 1853–1921.
5.5 Other Men’s Wounds: The Troubles, 1919–21.
5.6 Trucileers, Staters and Irregulars.
6 'Three Quarters of a Nation Once Again': Independent Ireland.
6.1 Saorstát Éireann, 1922–32.
6.2 Manifest Destiny: De Valera’s Ireland, 1932–48.
6.3 Towards a Redefinition of the National Ideal, 1948–58.
6.4 The Age of Lemass, 1957–73.
7 Northern Ireland, 1920–72: Specials, Peelers and Provos.
8 The Two Irelands, 1973–98.
8.1 The Republic, 1973–98.
8.2 Northern Ireland, 1973–98.
9 Ireland in the New Millennium.
9.1 The Republic, 1998–2008.
9.2 Northern Ireland, 1998–2008.
9.3 The End of Irish History?
Select Bibliography.