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Media and Youth: A Developmental Perspective

ISBN: 978-1-4051-7948-5
328 pages
December 2009, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $132.95
Government Price: US $92.12
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Media and Youth: A Developmental Perspective (1405179481) cover image
Other Available Formats: Paperback

“Overall, I found this book a fascinating read about media effects across child and adolescent development.”  (Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP), 1 July 2012)


"Young people today are immersed in the media, like fish in water. Finally, here is a textbook that describes the impact of media immersion on how young people think, feel, and behave. Rather than relying on anecdotes or hunches, Professor Kirsh uses the findings from scientific studies. The book is a must read for anyone concerned about the impact of the media on youth."
Brad J. Bushman, University of Michigan and VU University Amsterdam

"An excellent and easily readable book, written in an engaging style and using perfectly suited anecdotal examples to introduce new subjects on a diversity of media experiences and effects on children and adolescents today. A perfect overview for all interested readers, especially parents, teachers, and practitioners."
Ingrid Möller, University of Potsdam

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