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The Psychology of Prosocial Behavior: Group Processes, Intergroup Relations, and Helping

Stefan Stürmer (Editor), Mark Snyder (Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-4051-7880-8
464 pages
August 2009, ©2009, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $55.00
Government Price: US $50.52
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The Psychology of Prosocial Behavior: Group Processes, Intergroup Relations, and Helping (1405178809) cover image
Other Available Formats: Hardcover, E-book

The Psychology of Prosocial Behavior provides original contributions that examine current perspectives and promising directions for future research on helping behaviors and related core issues.
  • Covers contributions which deal explicitly with interventions designed to foster out-group helping (and to improve its quality) in real world settings
  • Provides the reader with a cohesive look at helping and prosocial behaviors using a combination of theoretical work with research on interventions in applied settings
  • Examines helping from multiple perspectives in order to recognize the diverse influences that promote actions for the benefit of others
  • Contributors to this volume include cutting-edge researchers using both field studies and laboratory experiments
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