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Shaping Theology: Engagements in a Religious and Secular World

ISBN: 978-1-4051-7721-4
280 pages
December 2007, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $131.95
Government Price: US $78.04
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Shaping Theology: Engagements in a Religious and Secular World (1405177217) cover image
Other Available Formats: Paperback




Part I: The Wisdom of Theology.

1. Theology.

2. A Long Rumour of Wisdom. Redescribing Theology.

Part II: Wisdom among the Religions.

3. Faith and Change: A Christian Understanding.

4. Reading Scripture with Intensity: Academic, Ecclesial, Interfaith, and Divine.

5. Developing Scriptural Reasoning Further: Reflections on Scripture, Reason and the Contemporary Islam--West Encounter.

Part III: Wisdom in the University.

6. Knowledge, Meaning and the World's Great Challenges: Reinventing Cambridge University in the Twenty-first Century.

7. Faith and Universities in a Religious and Secular World.

Part IV: Theological Interpretation of the Bible.

8. Divine Initiative, Human Response, and Wisdom: Interpreting 1 Corinthians Chapters 1--3.

9. Barth’s Interpretation of the Bible.

Part IV: Thinking Further -- Theological Topics.

10. The God of Blessing Who Loves in Wisdom.

11. Tragedy and Atonement.

12. Apophasis and the Shoah: Where was Jesus Christ at Auschwitz?.

Conclusion: Twelve Theses for Christian Theology in the Twenty-first Century.


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