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Why Politics Can't Be Freed From Religion

ISBN: 978-1-4051-7649-1
216 pages
March 2010, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $114.25
Government Price: US $65.88
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Why Politics Can't Be Freed From Religion (1405176490) cover image
Other Available Formats: Paperback

  • A timely and highly original contribution to debates about religion, politics and power – and how historic and social influences have prejudiced our understanding of what these mean
  • Proposes a new theoretical framework to think about what these ideas and institutions mean in today’s society
  • Applies this new perspective to a variety of real-world issues, including insights into suicide bombers in the Middle East
  • Includes radical critiques of the religious and political perspectives of thinkers such as Talal Asad and Michel Foucault
  • Dislodges our conventional thinking about politics and religion, and in doing so, helps make sense of the complexities of our twenty-first century world
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