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The Blackwell Companion to Criminology

Colin Sumner (Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-4051-7562-3
536 pages
December 2007, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $55.00
Government Price: US $46.04
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The Blackwell Companion to Criminology (1405175621) cover image
Other Available Formats: Hardcover, E-book


List of Contributors.

Part I: Crime, Justice, and Societies:.

1. The Social Nature of Crime and Deviance: Colin Sumner.

2. Theories of Social Control and the State between American and European Shores: Dario Melossi (University of Bologna).

3. Criminal Justice Process and the War on Crime: Markus Dirk Dubber (State University of New York).

4. Criminology, Genocide, and Modernity: Remarks on the Companion that Criminology Ignored: Wayne Morrison (University of London).

Part II: Juvenile Delinquency and Justice for Youth:.

5. The Criminologists’ Gang: Jack Katz and Curtis Jackson-Jacobs (both University of California, Los Angeles).

6. Youth Crime and Crime Control in Contemporary Japan:Mark Fenwick (Kyushu University, Japan).

7. Consumer Culture and Crime inLate Modernity: Keith J. Hayward (University of Kent).

8. The Politics of Youth Crime and Justice in South Africa: Elrena van der Spuy (University of Cape Town), Wilfried Schärf (University of Cape Town), and Jeffrey Lever (University of Stellensbosch, Cape Town).

Part III: Punishment and Its Alternatives:.

9. Penal Policies and Contemporary Politics: Pat O’Malley (University of Sydney).

10. Beyond Bricks, Bars, and Barbed Wire: The Genesis and Proliferation of Alternatives to Incarceration in the United States: Barry R. Holman and Robert A. Brown (Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis).

11. Rehabilitation: An Assessment of Theory and Research: Mark W. Lipsey (Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy), Nana A. Landenberger (Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy), and Gabrielle L. Chapman (Tennessee Department of Corrections).

12. Female Punishment: From Patriarchy to Backlash? Laureen Snider (Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario).

Part IV: Gender and the Masculinity of Crime:.

13. Beyond Bad Girls: Feminist Perspectives on Female Offending: Meda Chesney-Lind (University of Hawaii).

14. Managing “Men’s Violence” in the Criminological Arena: Adrian Howe (University of Central Lanacshire).

15. Masculinities and Crime: Rethinking the “Man Question”? Richard Collier (University of Newcastle upon Tyne).

16. “Abominable and Detestable”: Understanding Homophobia and the Criminalization of Sodomy: Mary Bernstein (University of Connecticut).

17. The Gendering and Racializing of Criminalized Others: Elizabeth Comack (University of Manitoba).

Part IV: Capital, Power, and Crime:.

18. White-Collar Crime: Amedeo Cottino (University of Turin).

19. “Dance Your Anger and Your Joys”: Multinational Corporations, Power, “Crime”: Frank Pearce (Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario) and Steve Tombs (Liverpool John Moores University).

20. Globalization and the Illicit Drugs Trade in Hong Kong: K. Joe Laidler (University of Hong Kong).

21. Trafficking in Human Beings and Related Crimes in West and Central Africa: Alexis A. Aronowitz (University College of Utrecht) and Monika Peruffo (International Organization for Migrations Mission in Columbia).

Part V: Globalization, Crime, and Information:.

22. Globality, Globalization, and Private Policing: A Caribbean Case Study: Maureen Cain (University of Birmingham).

23. The Rise of the Surveillant State in Times of Globalization: Thomas Mathiesen (University of Oslo).

24. The Politics of Crime Statistics: William J. Chambliss (George Washington University).

25. Two Realities of Police Communication: Aaron Doyle (Carleton University, Ottawa) and Richard Ericson (University of Toronto).

26. Hacktivism: Resistance is Fertile? Paul A. Taylor (University of Leeds).


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