The Bioethics Reader: Editors' ChoiceISBN: 978-1-4051-7522-7
624 pages
September 2007, Wiley-Blackwell
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Part I: Doing Bioethics:.
1. A Report from America: When Philosophers Shoot from the Hip: James Rachels.
2. Rethinking Medical Ethics: A View from Below: Paul Farmer and Nicole Gastineau Campos.
3. What Can the Social Sciences Contribute to the Study of Ethics? Theoretical, Empirical and Substantive Considerations: Erica Hajmes.
4. In Defense of Posthuman Dignity: Nick Bostrom.
Part II: Healthcare Professional–Patient Relationship:.
5. Patients’ Responsibilities in Medical Ethics: Heather Draper and Tom Sorell.
6. Clinical Ethics and Nursing: ‘Yes’ to Caring, But ‘No’ to a Female Ethics of Care: Helga Kuhse.
7. Background Briefing Psychiatric Ethics: Jennifer Radden.
8. Female Genital Mutilation and Cosmetic Surgery: Regulating Non-Therapeutic Body Modification: Sally Sheldon and Stephen Wilkinson.
Part III: Just Health Care:.
9. Patents and Access to Drugs in Developing Countries: An Ethical Analysis: Sigrid Sterckx.
10. Justice and Equal Opportunities in Health Care: John Harris.
11. Constraints and Heroes: Carl Elliott.
Part IV: Public Health Ethics:.
12. The Genesis of Public Health Ethics: Ronald Bayer and Amy L. Fairchild.
13. Ethics and Infectious Disease: Michael J. Selgelid.
14. Vaccination and the Prevention Problem: Angus Dawson.
Part V: Research Ethics:.
15. Background Briefing: International Research Ethics: Udo Schüklenk and Richard Ashcroft.
16. Equipoise and International Human-Subjects Research: Alex John London.
17. Symposium: Drugs for the Developing World,.
Developing Drugs for the Developing World: An Economic, Legal, Moral, and Political Dilemma: David B. Resnik.
18. Some Questions about the Moral Responsibilities of Drug Companies in Developing Countries: Dan W. Brock.
19. Social Responsibility and Global Pharmaceutical Companies: Norman Daniels.
Part VI: Genetics:.
20. Do Human Cells Have Rights?: Mary Warnock.
21. Going to the Roots of the Stem Cell Controversy: Søren Holm.
22. Designing Babies: Morally Permissible Ways to Modify the Human Genome: Nicholas Agar.
23. The Non-Identity Problem and Genetic Harms – the Case of Wrongful Handicaps: Dan W. Brock.
24. Coding and Consent: Moral Challenges of the Database Project in Iceland: Vilhjálmur Árnason.
Part VII: Beginning of Life Issues:.
25. Is It Good to Make Happy People?: Stuart Rachels.
26. Genes, Embryos, and Future People: Walter Glannon.
27. Procreative Beneficence: Why We Should Select the Best Children: Julian Savulescu.
28. The Problem of Abortion: Essentially Contested Concepts and Moral Autonomy: Susanne Gibson.
29. Law and Bioethics, The Injustice of Unsafe Motherhood: Rebecca J. Cook and Bernard M. Dickens.
30. The Limits of Conscientious Objection to Abortion in the Developing World: Louis-Jacques van Bogaert.
31. Surrogate Mothering: Exploitation or Empowerment?: Laura M. Purdy.
Part VIII: End of Life:.
32. The Metaphysics of Brain Death: Jeff McMahan.
33. Advance Directives, Autonomy and Unintended Death: Jim Stone.
34. End of Life Care in HIV-Infected Children Who Died in Hospital: Lesley D. Henley.