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The Savage Text: The Use and Abuse of the Bible

ISBN: 978-1-4051-7017-8
232 pages
October 2008, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $107.95
Government Price: US $78.04
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The Savage Text: The Use and Abuse of the Bible (1405170174) cover image
Other Available Formats: Paperback

Misuse of the Bible has made hatred holy. In this provocative book, Adrian Thatcher argues that debates on sexuality currently raging through the churches are the latest outbreak in a long line of savage interpretations of the Bible. Fascinating reading for anyone concerned about the future of Christianity.
  • A provocative book claiming that debates on sexuality currently raging through the churches are the latest outbreak in a long line of savage interpretations of the Bible
  • Argues that the Bible has been abused to convert the “good news” which it brings to the world, into one which has been used to discriminate against many groups, including children, women, Jews, people of color, slaves, heretics, and homosexuals
  • Asks how Christians have been able to conduct, in public and on a global scale, an argument that has exposed so much prejudice, fear and hatred
  • Offers an alternative, faithful and peaceable reading of the Bible, drawing on numerous examples throughout
  • Breaks new ground in debates about sexual ethics and biblical interpretation

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