A Companion to Philosophical LogicISBN: 978-1-4051-4575-6
832 pages
November 2005, Wiley-Blackwell
![]() Other Available Formats: E-book
List of Contributors.
Introduction: Logic, Philosophy, and Philosophical Logic. (Dale Jacquette).
Part I: Historical Development of Logic.
1. Ancient Greek Philosophical Logic. (Robin Smith).
2. History of Logic: Medieval. (B.G. Sundholm and E.P. Bos).
3. The Rise of Modern Logic. (Rolf George and James Van Evra).
Part II. Symbolic Logic and Ordinary Language.
4. Language, Logic, and Form. (Kent Bach).
5. Puzzles About Intensionality. (Nathan Salmon).
6. Symbolic Logic and Natural Language. (Emma Borg and Ernest Lepore).
Part III: Philosophical Dimensions of Logical Paradoxes.
7. Logical Paradoxes. (James Cargile).
8. Semantical and Logical Paradox. (Keith Simmons).
9. Philosophical Implications of Logical Paradoxes. (Roy A. Sorensen).
Part IV: Truth and Definite Description in Semantic Analysis.
10. Truth, the Liar, and Tarski's Semantics. (Gila Sher).
11. Truth, the Liar, and Tarskian Truth Definition. (Greg Ray).
12. Descriptions and Logical Form. (Gary Ostertag).
13. Russell's Theory of Definite Descriptions as a Paradigm for Philosophy. (Gregory Landini).
Part V: Concepts of Logical Consequence.
14. Necessity, Meaning, and Rationality: The Notion of Logical Consequence. (Stewart Shapiro).
15. Varieties of Consequence . (B.G. Sundholm).
16. Modality of Deductively Valid Inference . (Dale Jacquette).
Part VI Logic, Existence, and Ontology.
17. Quantifiers, Being and Canonical Notation. (Paul Gochet).
18. From Logic to Ontology: Some Problems of Predication, Negation and Possibility. (Herbert Hochberg).
19. Putting Language First: The "Liberation" of Logic from Ontology. (Ermanno Bencivenga).
Part VII: Metatheory and the Scope and Limits of Logic.
20. Metatheory. (Alasdair Urquhart).
21. Metatheory of Logics and the Characterization Problem. (Jan Wolenski).
22. Logic in Finite Structures: Definability, Complexity, and Randomness. (Scott Weinstein).
Part VIII: Logical Foundations of Set Theory and Mathematics.
23. Logic and Ontology: Numbers and Sets. (José Benardete).
24. Logical Foundations of Set Theory and Mathematics. (Mary Tiles) 25. Property-Theoretic Foundations of Mathematics. (Michael Jubien).
Part IX: Modal Logics and Semantics.
26. Modal Logic. (Johan van Benthem).
27. First Order Alethic Modal Logic. (Melvin Fitting).
28. Proofs and Expressiveness in Alethic Modal Logic. (Maarten de Rijke and Heinrich Wansing).
29. Alethic Modal Logics and Semantics. (Gerhard Schurz.
30. Epistemic Logic. (Nicholas Rescher).
31. Deontic, Epistemic, and Temporal Modal Logics. (Risto Hilpinen).
Part X: Intuitionistic, Free, and Many-Valued Logics.
32. Intuitionism. (Dirk van Dalen and Mark van Atten).
33. Many-Valued, Free, and Intuitionistic Logics. (Richard Grandy).
34. Many-Valued Logic. (Grzegorz Malinowski).
Part XI: Inductive, Fuzzy, and Quantum Probability Logics.
35. Inductive Logic . (Stephen Glaister).
36. Heterodox Probability Theory. (Peter Forrest).
37. Why Fuzzy Logic?. (Petr Hájek).
Part XII: Relevance and Paraconsistent Logics.
38. Relevance Logic. (Edwin Mares).
39. Paraconsistency. (Bryson Brown).
40. Logicians Setting Together Contradictories: A Perspective on Relevance, Paraconsistency, and Dialetheism. (Graham Priest).
Part XIII: Logic, Machine Theory, and Cognitive Science.
41. The Logical and the Physical. (Andrew W. Hodges).
42. Modern Logic and its Role in the Study of Knowledge. (Peter A. Flach).
43. Actions and Normative Positions. A Modal-Logical Approach . (Robert Demolomb and Andrew J.I. Jones).
Part XIV: Mechanization of Logical Inference and Proof Discovery.
44. The Automation of Sound Reasoning and Successful Proof Finding. (Larry Wos and Branden Fitelson).
45. A Computational Logic for Applicative Common LISP. (J. Strother Moore and Matt Kaufmann).
46. Sampling Labelled Deductive Systems. (D.M. Gabbay).
Resources for Further.