Memory and Emotion: Interdisciplinary PerspectivesISBN: 978-1-4051-3981-6
328 pages
August 2006, Wiley-Blackwell
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List of Contributors.
Part I. Introduction:.
1. Memory and Emotion from Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Bob Uttl (Tamagawa University), Amy L. Siegenthaler (Tokyo University of Social Welfare), and Nobuo Ohta (Tokyo University of Social Welfare).
Part II: Memory, Emotion, and Cognition:.
2. Memory for Emotional Episodes: The Strengths and Limits of Arousal-Based Accounts: Daniel Reisberg (Reed College).
3. Emotional Valence, Discrete Emotions, and Memory: Linda J. Levine (University of California, Irvine) and David A. Pizarro (Cornell University).
4. Remembering emotional events: The relevance of memory for associated emotions: Sven Å Christianson (Stockholm University) and Elisabeth Engelberg (Stockholm School of Economics).
5. Are We Frightened Because We Run Away? Some Evidence from Metacognitive Feelings: Asher Koriat (University of Haifa).
Part III. Memory, Emotion, Aging, and the Brain:.
6. The Memory-Enhancing Effect of Emotion: Functional Neuroimaging Evidence: Florin Dolcos (Duke University), Kevin S. LaBar (Duke University), and Roberto Cabeza (Duke University).
7. Why Memories May Become More Positive as People Age: Mara Mather (University of California, Santa Cruz).
8. Age-Related Changes in the Encoding and Retrieval and Emotional and Non-Emotional Information: Bob Uttl (Tamagawa University) and Peter Graf (University of British Columbia).
Part IV. Memory, Emotion, and Psychopathology:.
9. Anxiety and the Encoding of Emotional Information: Andrew Mathews (University of London).
10. Memory, Emotion and Psychotherapy: Maximizing the Positive Functions of Self-Defining Memories: Jefferson A. Singer (Connecticut College).
11. Trauma and Memory: Normal versus Special Memory Mechanisms: Gail S. Goodman (University of California, Davis) and Pedro M. Paz-Alonso (University of the Basque Country).
12. Trauma and Memory Revisited: John F. Kihlstrom (University of California, Berkeley).
Name Index.
Subject Index.