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Sacrifice and Community: Jewish Offering and Christian Eucharist

ISBN: 978-1-4051-3689-1
224 pages
January 2006, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $126.75
Government Price: US $87.64
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Other Available Formats: Paperback

  • An exploration of the character of the Eucharist as communion in and through sacrifice.

  • Argues that the Eucharist cannot be separated from sacrifice, and rediscovers the biblical connections between sacrifice and communion.

  • Timed to coincide with the Year of the Eucharist, proclaimed by Pope John Paul II.

  • Responds to Pope John Paul II’s encyclical work Ecclesia de Eucharistia.

  • Critiques the dominant paradigm for Eucharistic theology established in the 1960s by Edward Schillebeeckx and Karl Rahner, who sought to bypass sacrifice.

  • Reclaims the riches of St Thomas Aquinas’s theology of the Eucharist, which had recently been reduced to a metaphysical defence of transubstantiation.
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