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Ferry and Brandon's Cost Planning of Buildings, 8th Edition

ISBN: 978-1-4051-3070-7
432 pages
September 2007, Wiley-Blackwell
Ferry and Brandon's Cost Planning of Buildings, 8th Edition (1405130709) cover image
This title is out-of-print and not currently available for purchase from this site.

http://www.lccmodel.com Life-Cycle Cost Model The basic life-cycle cost models that are available for you to try out on this website are supplemented by an on-line tool which can be accessed via the weblink above. The LCC model incorporates a greater depth and complexity and allows evaluation of projects using a number of economic performance measures. The model facilitates assessment of the financial cost of acquisition, operation and disposal of a building system/component, whole building or multiple buildings by: * Calculating the LCC of an asset/component * Comparison with alternative options * Identification of the key variables in the model and an assessment of what would happen if they were to change (scenario analysis) This model is developed in accordance with the requirements of the UK Treasury Green Book guidelines for Appraisal and Evaluation in Central Government, International Standard ISO15686 on Service Life Planning and guidance from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on life-cycle cost assessment.
http://www.sense-limited.co.uk/services The Sense Tender Price Index The Sense Construction Tender Price Index (SCTPI) is an estimate based on a review of third party forecasts of general price inflation, construction cost and infrastructure cost inflation and general economic activity both globally and in the UK. Latest forecasts and reviews of global construction cost trends can be obtained via the weblink above. The News Archive http://www.sense-limited.co.uk/news/ contains all recent TPI reports produced by SENSE.
http://www.bcis.co.uk Building Cost Information Service Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) is the UKs leading provider of cost and price information for construction and property occupancy.

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