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Psychology and You: An Informal Introduction, 3rd Edition

ISBN: 978-1-4051-2698-4
270 pages
December 2006, ©2006, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $39.95
Government Price: US $37.08
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Psychology and You: An Informal Introduction, 3rd Edition (1405126981) cover image

The new edition of this best-selling text continues to provide a general, wide-ranging introduction to psychology which is unique in the way that it explains psychological concepts in relation to people's behaviour and their everyday lives. Many of the key areas in contemporary psychology are covered to whet the appetites of students new to psychology, and the book provides an excellent grounding in key areas. All-new changes for this edition include:

  • Increased conciseness in writing style and structure;
  • Improved design, and better and more illustrations;
  • Three brand new chapters, covering the brain, health psychology and careers in psychology;
  • Regular 'methodology' boxes, aimed at opening up and demystifying this complex area;
  • Combination and re-ordering of topics to enable a smoother transition between chapters;
  • More in-chapter exercises to illustrate or develop specific themes.
  • More examples from everyday life to give real-life relevance to psychological research;
  • Fully referenced material, without the text itself being hindered by long lists of authors; all references are listed by chapter at the end of the book.

A lively, informative and accessible read, Psychology and You is the perfect taster for students new to psychology.

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