American Drama 1945 - 2000: An IntroductionISBN: 978-1-4051-2086-9
228 pages
August 2006, Wiley-Blackwell
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Other Available Formats: Paperback
David Krasner teaches theatre, drama, and performance at Yale University. He is the author of Resistance, Parody and Double Consciousness in African American Theatre 1895-1910 (1997), and A Beautiful Pageant: African American Theatre, Drama and Performance in the Harlem Renaissance (2002). He is also the editor of A Companion to Twentieth-century American Drama (Blackwell, 2004), co-editor of Staging Philosophy: New Approaches to Theatre and Drama (2006), and co-editor (with Rebecca Schneider) of the University of Michigan Press’s series Theatre: Theory/Text/Performance.