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Handbook of International Trade: Economic and Legal Analyses of Trade Policy and Institutions

E. Kwan Choi (Editor), James C. Hartigan (Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-4051-2062-3
592 pages
November 2004, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $260.00
Government Price: US $179.80
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Handbook of International Trade: Economic and Legal Analyses of Trade Policy and Institutions (1405120622) cover image
Other Available Formats: E-book


Introduction: E. Kwan Choi (Iowa State University) and James C. Hartigan (University of Oklahoma).

  1. What is Free Trade?: The Rorschach Test at the Heart of the Trade and Environment Debate: David M. Driesen (Syracuse University)
  2. Rules of Power in an Age of Law: Process Opportunism and TRIPS Dispute Settlement: Ruth Okediji (University of Oklahoma)
  3. Teaching Old Laws New Tricks: The Legal Obligation of Non-Attribution and the Need for Economic Rigor in Injury Analyses under US Trade Law: James P. Durling and Matthew P. McCullough (Willkie, Farr & Gallagher)
  4. Trade-Related Labor and Environment Rights Agreements?: Chantal Thomas (Fordham University)
  5. A Comparative Analysis of Compliance Institutions in International Law and International Environmental Law: Brett Frischmann (Loyola University Chicago)
  6. The National Treatment Principle in International Trade Law: Michael J. Trebilcock and Shiva K. Giri (University of Toronto)
  7. Do Not Ask Too Many Questions: The Institutional Arrangements for Accomodating Regional Integration within the WTO: Petros Constantinos Mavroidis (University of Neuchâtel)
  8. Trade and Informal Institutions: James E. Anderson (Boston College)
  9. The Economics of Preferential Trade Agreements: Pravin Krishna (Brown University)
  10. Conditionality, Separation, and Open Rules in Multilateral Institutions: Paola Conconi (Université Libre de Bruxelles) and Carlo Perroni (University of Warwick)
  11. Antitrust Policy in Open Economies: Price Fixing and International Cartels: Eric W. Bond (Pennsylvania State University)
  12. Modern Commercial Policy: Managed Trade or Retaliation?: Thomas J. Prusa (Rutgers University) and Susan Skeath (Wellesley College)
  13. Anti-Dumping versus Anti-Trust: Trade and Competition Policy: Ian Wooton (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow) and Maurizio Zanardi (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
  14. Trade and the Globalization of Patent Rights: Rod Falvey (University of Nottingham), Feli Martinez (University of Leicester) and Geoff Reed (University of Nottingham)
  15. Mixed Markets with Counterfeit Producers: E. Kwan Choi (Iowa State University)
  16. Endogenous Injury: James C. Hartigan (University of Oklahoma)
  17. International Trade in Services: More Than Meets the Eye: Lawrence J. White (New York University)
  18. The Dynamic Effects of Trade Liberalization and Environmental Policy Harmonization: Larry Karp (University of California, Berkley) and Jinhua Zhao (Iowa State University)
  19. Do Bilateral Tax Treaties Promote Foreign Direct Investment?: Bruce A. Blonigen and Ronald B. Davies (University of Oregon)


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