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Rewritten Theology: Aquinas After His Readers

ISBN: 978-1-4051-1221-5
220 pages
December 2005, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $55.00
Government Price: US $37.72
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Other Available Formats: Hardcover


Abbreviations and Editions.

1 St. Thomas and the Police.

2 The Competition of Authoritative Languages.

3 Imaginary Thomistic Sciences.

4 Thomas’s Alleged Aristotelianism or Aristotle Among the Authorities.

5 The Protreptic of Against the Gentiles.

6 The Summa of Theology as Moral Formation.

7 What the Summa of Theology Teaches.

8 Philosophy in a Summa of Theology.

9 Writing Secrets in a Summa of Theology.

Conclusion: Writing Theology after Thomas -- and His Readers.


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