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The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000

Dorothy J. Hale (Editor)
ISBN: 978-1-4051-0773-0
840 pages
September 2005, ©2005, Wiley-Blackwell
List Price: US $167.95
Government Price: US $121.56
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The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000 (1405107731) cover image
Other Available Formats: E-book

The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900–2000 is a collection of the most influential writings on the theory of the novel from the twentieth century.

  • Traces the rise of novel theory and the extension of its influence into other disciplines, especially social, cultural and political theory.
  • Broad in scope, including sections on formalism; the Chicago School; structuralism and narratology; deconstruction; psychoanalysis; Marxism; social discourse; gender; post-colonialism; and more.
  • Includes whole essays or chapters wherever possible.
  • Headnotes introduce and link each piece, enabling readers to draw connections between different schools of thought.
  • Encourages students to approach theoretical texts with confidence, applying the same skills they bring to literary texts.
  • Includes a volume introduction, a selected bibliography, an index of topics and short author biographies to support study.
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