Re-thinking Gregory of NyssaISBN: 978-1-4051-0637-5
144 pages
March 2003, Wiley-Blackwell
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1. Introduction - Gender, Trinitarian Analogies, And The Pedagogy
Of The Song: Sarah Coakley.
2. On Not Three People: The Fundamental Themes Of Gregory Of Nyssa's Trinitarian Theology As Seen In To Ablabius: On Not Three Gods: Lewis Ayres.
3. Divine Unity And The Divided Self: Gregory Of Nyssa's Trinitarian Theology In Its Psychological Context: Michel Rene Barnes.
4. Divine Transcendence And Human Transformation: Gregory Of Nyssa's Anti-Apollinarian Christology: Brian E. Daley, S.J.
5. Under Soloman's Tutelage: The Education Of Desire In The Homilles On The Song Of Songs: Martin Laird.
6. ‘Person’ Versus ‘Individual’, And Other Modern Misreadings Of Gregory Of Nyssa: Lucian Turcescu.
7. The Mirror Of The Infinite: Gregory Of Nyssa On The Vestigia Trinitatis: David Bentley Hart.
8. Index.