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Thinking About Answers: The Application of Cognitive Processes to Survey Methodology

ISBN: 978-1-118-01609-1
322 pages
October 2010, Jossey-Bass
List Price: US $77.95
Government Price: US $49.88
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1. Introduction.

2. Methods for Determining Cognitive Processes and Questionnaire Problems.

3. Answering a Survey Question: Cognitive and Communicative Processes.

4. Psychological Sources of Context Effects in Survey Measurement.

5. The Direction of Context Effects: What Determines Assimilation or Contrast in Attitude Measurement.

6. Order Effects Within a Question: Presenting Categorical Response Alternatives.

7. Autobiographical Memory.

8. Event Dating.

9. Counting and Estimation.

10. Proxy Reporting.

11. Implications for Questionnaire Design and the Conceptualization of the Survey Interview.

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