Nitric Oxide and Radicals in the Pulmonary VasculatureISBN: 978-0-87993-631-0
520 pages
July 1996, Wiley-Blackwell
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Chapter 1. Oxygen Radicals and the Pulmonary Vasculature: Good News and Bad News (J.T. Sylvester).
Chapter 2. The Generation and Activity of Oxygen-Derived Species (Barry Halliwell, Carroll E. Cross, Albert van der Vliet, Charles A. O'Neill, and Samuel Louie).
Chapter 3. Phosphorylation and the Activation of the Respiratory Burst Oxidase (Bernard M. Babior).
Chapter 4. Lipid and Protein Oxidation in Ischemia/Reperfusion of the Lung (Aron B. Fisher and Abu Al-Mehdi).
Chapter 5. Transcriptional Regulation of Endothelial Adhesion Molecule Gene Expression by Oxidants and Cytokines (Arshad Rahman, Kenneth A. Roebuck, and Asrar B. Malik).
Chapter 6. The Effect of Oxygen Radicals on Pulmonary Endothelial Function (Stephen Rimar and C. Norman Gillis).
Chapter 7. Ischemia-Reperfusion Edema of the Lung: Advances in Mechanistic Understanding (John E. Heffner and Phillip Fracica).
Chapter 8. Oxidative Processes in Sickle Cell Disease: Role of Targeting Phenomena (Robert P. Hebbel).
Chapter 9. Xanthine Dehydrogenase: A Ubiquitous Enzyme with Diverse Physiological and Pathophysiological Roles? (John R. Hoidal, Thomas P. Kennedy, Pin Xu, Kathleen Pfeffer and Thomas Huecksteadt).
Chapter 10. Cooperativity in Oxidant Defense (John W. Eaton and Mark D. Scott).
Chapter 11. Heme Uptake by Endothelium: An Oxidant-Damaging "Trojan Horse" Tamed by Ferritin Synthesis (Harry S. Jacob, Gyorgy Balla, Joszef Balla, and Gregory Vercellotti).
Chapter 12. Impaired Mitrochondrial Respiration in Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity: Potential Role in Infant Respiratory Distress and Chronic Lung Disease (Carl W. White and Paul R. Gardner).
Chapter 13. Role of Phosphodiesterase Isoenzymes and Sulfhydryl Donors as a Defense Against Oxidant Injury in Endothelial Cells (Norbert Suttorp).
Chapter 14. The Regulation of MAP Kinase Activity in Mammalian Cells Exposed to Oxidant Stress and Heat Shock (Stephen M. Keyse).
Chapter 15. Modulation of Vascular Cell Proliferation by Prooxidant Stimuli (Barry L. Fanburg and Sheu-Ling Lee).
Chapter 16. Reactive Oxygen Species and Vascular Oxygen Sensors (Michael S. Wolin, Theresa M. Burke-Wolin, Pawel M. Kaminski and Kamal M. Mohazzab-H).
Chapter 17. Oxidant Stress Alters Signaling Mechanisms in Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle (Rodney A. Rhoades, Najia Jin, Carolyn E. Patterson, Douglas A. Roepke and C. Subah Packer).
Chapter 18. The Effects of Nitric Oxide on Proliferation in the Vascular Wall (Timothy Scott-Burden).
Chapter 19. The Role of Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in Sepsis and Inflammation (James M. Wong and Timothy R. Billiar).
Chapter 20. Nitric Oxide in Pulmonary Vascular Physiology and Pathophysiology (A. Tuan Dinh-Xuan and Philippe Hervé).
Chapter 21. The Chemistry and Biochemistry of Oxidants Derived from Nitric Oxide (Willem H. Koppenol).
Chapter 22. Nitric Oxide and the Lung Microcirculation (John B. Warren).
Chapter 23. Nitric Oxide and Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate: Effects on Potassium Channels and Vascular Tone (Stephen L. Archer, Vaclav Hampl, James M.C. Huang, Daniel P. Nelson, Simona Tolarova, Pamela J. Schultz and E. Kenneth Weir).
Chapter 24. Mechanisms by Which Nitric Oxide Controls Vascular Smooth Muscle Tone and Myocardial Contractile Force (Jurgen Schrader, Peter Karczewski and Ulrich Decking).
Chapter 25. Exhaled Nitric Oxide: Origin and Physiological Meaning (Eric A. Demoncheaux, Mauro Maniscalco, Sally Roe, George Cremona and Tim W. Higenbottam).
Chapter 26. Physiological and Therapeutic Roles of Nitric Oxide in the Transitional Pulmonary Circulation (John P. Kinsella and Steven H. Abman).
Chapter 27. The Use of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Congenital Heart Disease (Ian Adatia and David L. Wessel).