Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology, Volume Three, Life History data on Ichthyopercid and Percid Fishes of the United States and CanadaISBN: 978-0-8138-2999-9
420 pages
February 1997, Wiley-Blackwell
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Preface vii
Introduction xi
Ch. 1 White Perch, Morone americana (Gmelin) 1
Ch. 2 White Bass, Morone chrysops (Rafinesque) 13
Ch. 3 Yellow Bass, Moronemississippiensis (Jordan and Eigenmann) 29
Ch. 4 Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum) 41
Ch. 5 Morone Hybrids 59
Ch. 6 Darters, Etheostominae 63
Ch. 7 Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill) 125
Ch. 8 Sauger, Stizostedion canadense (Smith) 181
Ch. 9 Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill) 205
Citations 295
Author Index 381