Companion Animal ZoonosesISBN: 978-0-8138-1964-8
336 pages
February 2011, Wiley-Blackwell
Preface vii
Contributors ix
1 Parasitic Diseases 3
J. Scott Weese, Andrew S. Peregrine, Maureen E.C. Anderson, and Martha B. Fulford
2 Bacterial Diseases 109
J. Scott Weese and Martha B. Fulford
3 Viral Diseases 241
J. Scott Weese and Martha B. Fulford
4 Fungal Diseases 275
J. Scott Weese and Martha B. Fulford
5 Pets and Immunocompromised Individuals 299
Jason Stull
6 Pet Bites 311
Martha B. Fulford
Index 317