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Into the Wardrobe: C. S. Lewis and the Narnia Chronicles

ISBN: 978-0-7879-7890-7
256 pages
September 2005, Jossey-Bass
List Price: US $19.95
Government Price: US $10.17
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“…in this volume, C.S.Lewis’ biography is given concisely, yet thoroughly…before you go to the movies this winter to see the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, read this book…” (The Eternal Night, 13th December 2005).

“…a masterful work that will appeal to both new and seasoned fans of Narnia, ‘Into the Wardrobe’ offers a journey beyond Narnia’s deceptively simple surface and into its richly textured and unexpected depths.” (www.eden.co.uk, 13th December 2005)

“…fluent and mature…” (Church Times, 9th December 2005)

"[Into the Wardrobe] will be best enjoyed by fans who have read the entire series, but those who haven't may be so impressed by Downing’s exploration of Lewis's deep and sophisticated imagination that they will sneak ‘into the wardrobe’ and devour the Chronicles for themselves."
--Publishers Weekly

"Everyone who has enjoyed the Chronicles of Narnia and anyone who is interested in the writings of C.S. Lewis must read this excellent work…Downing helps the reader understand how the Chronicles reflect not only Lewis’s towering intellect, but also his strong faith and his sensitive heart."
--Armand Nicholi, M.D., author, The Question of God: C. S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life

"Like his previous studies of Lewis’s life and writings, Into the Wardrobe proves again that Downing is a master at weaving essential facts and fresh insights into a smooth narrative…a balanced and satisfying guide for either experienced or first-time readers of Narnia."
--Robert Trexler, editor, CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society

"With lucidity and uncommon good sense, David Downing offers a guide to the Narnia Chronicles that will deepen the reader's appreciation of these perennial favorites while illuminating the origins of Narnia in Lewis's life and work."
--John Wilson, editor, Books & Culture

"What David C. Downing does so well is give us lenses through which Lewis’s myriad works come into sharp focus, revealing the convictions, insights, scholarship, experience, and questions that shaped the man who brought us Narnia."
--Jeffrey Overstreet, film critic, Christianity Today and LookingCloser.org

"David Downing's sprightly study of the Narnia Chronicles provides readers with a fresh interpretation of Lewis's children's books…Read and rejoice."
--Ralph C. Wood, University Professor of Theology and Literature, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, and author, The Gospel According to Tolkien: Visions of the Kingdom in Middle-Earth

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