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Team Depot: A Warehouse of Over 585 Tools to Reassess, Rejuvenate, and Rehabilitate Your Team

ISBN: 978-0-7879-6218-0
480 pages
May 2002, Pfeiffer
List Price: US $55.00
Government Price: US $35.20
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Team Depot: A Warehouse of Over 585 Tools to Reassess, Rejuvenate, and Rehabilitate Your Team (078796218X) cover image

"Like so many things in organizational life, keeping a culture of teamwork going requires constant renewal. Team Depot provides a conveniently organized resource to enable team leaders and managers to effectively facilitate the renewal process. Glenn Parker's many years of hands-on experience sustaining teams and teamwork are powerfully captured in its pages."
--Bill Fox, vice president and general manager, Telcordia Technologies

"Team Depot is by far the single most comprehensive and valuable collection I've seen of tools and sound advice on diagnosing and improving teams drawn from Glenn Parker's extensive experience as a hands-on consultant and teams practitioner. Using the book's novel organizing principal of a home supply warehouse chain, the reader will discover that each and every one of the twenty aisles contains practical, easily implemented tools for getting derailed teams back on track."
--Malcolm J. Conway, IBM Learning Services Consulting

"Glenn is a master at providing valuable and practical tools for today's teams. Team Depot is a one-stop shopping spree for any team or coach looking for hundreds of strategies, tips, surveys, and exercises to refuel their team."
--Deborah Harrington-Mackin, author, Team Building Tool Kit

"I've lent my copy of Team Depot to a brand-new facilitator and she won't return because she claims it's indispensable. I'll have to buy another copy. Even though I've been in the team-building business for three decades, there are still a lot of things that I have learned from this book. This is truly a book that appeals to both newcomers and veterans."
--Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan, president, Workshops by Thiagi, Inc.; author, Teamwork and Teamplay

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