Congregations in Transition: A Guide for Analyzing, Assessing, and Adapting in Changing CommunitiesISBN: 978-0-7879-5422-2
208 pages
February 2002, Jossey-Bass
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" is a worthwhile book, easy to read, with good directions andclear to follow.."(Christian Research)"A wonderful, useful book. Here is a chance to take an honest lookat what your church was, is, and could be. But be aware: if youjust want to tinker with your dysfunctional parts, go elsewhere foradvice. Instead, this book provides a sure, compassionate,comprehensive road map for churches willing to plunge into theexciting wilderness that is American life today-a wilderness, bythe way, that is teeming with grace and possibilities." --PaulWilkes, author, Excellent Protestant Congregations: The Guide toBest Places and Practices and Excellent Catholic Parishes:The Guide to Best Places and Practices
"Carl Dudley and Nancy Ammerman probably know more, and caremore, about the vitality of local congregations than any otherscholars in the country. Here they translate decades of astuteobservations into a clear, user-friendly, and practical set ofplanning strategies certain to help congregational leaders discernthe most faithful and effective futures for their ministries."--John P. Kretzmann, codirector, the Asset Based CommunityDevelopment Institute
"An excellent guide to developing the conversations that leadersof congregations need to be having. This is an important book forboards and planning committees making the difficult shift frombusiness as usual to discerning new futures." --Gil Rendle,director of consulting and education, the Alban Institute
"This book is timely, challenging, and practical! Carl Dudleyand Nancy Ammerman skillfully guide the pastor and church leadersthrough the journey of change toward greater effectiveness inministry. A must-read for every pastor or church leader who desiresto keep their congregation's ministry to the community on thecutting edge." --Efraim Espinoza, Commission onDiscipleship-We Build People General Council of the Assemblies ofGod
"A wonderful, useful book. Here is a chance to take an honest look at what your church was, is, and could be. But be aware: if you just want to tinker with your dysfunctional parts, go elsewhere for advice. Instead, this book provides a sure, compassionate, comprehensive road map for churches willing to plunge into the exciting wilderness that is American life today-a wilderness, by the way, that is teeming with grace and possibilities." —Paul Wilkes, author, Excellent Protestant Congregations: The Guide to Best Places and Practices and Excellent Catholic Parishes: The Guide to Best Places and Practices
"Carl Dudley and Nancy Ammerman probably know more, and care more, about the vitality of local congregations than any other scholars in the country. Here they translate decades of astute observations into a clear, user-friendly, and practical set of planning strategies certain to help congregational leaders discern the most faithful and effective futures for their ministries." —John P. Kretzmann, codirector, the Asset Based Community Development Institute
"An excellent guide to developing the conversations that leaders of congregations need to be having. This is an important book for boards and planning committees making the difficult shift from business as usual to discerning new futures." —Gil Rendle, director of consulting and education, the Alban Institute
"This book is timely, challenging, and practical! Carl Dudley and Nancy Ammerman skillfully guide the pastor and church leaders through the journey of change toward greater effectiveness in ministry. A must-read for every pastor or church leader who desires to keep their congregation's ministry to the community on the cutting edge." —Efraim Espinoza, Commission on Discipleship-We Build People General Council of the Assemblies of God