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Crossing Over to Canaan: The Journey of New Teachers in Diverse Classrooms

ISBN: 978-0-7879-5001-9
192 pages
March 2001, Jossey-Bass
List Price: US $34.00
Government Price: US $17.34
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Crossing Over to Canaan: The Journey of New Teachers in Diverse Classrooms (0787950017) cover image

"Gloria Ladson-Billings provides a perceptive and interestingaccount of what is needed to prepare novice teachers to besuccessful with all students in our multicultural society. Thisbook is must reading for all those entering the profession ofteaching today and for those who prepare them for this importantwork."
--Ken Zeichner, associate dean and professor of curriculum andinstruction, School of Education, University ofWisconsin-Madison

"The multiple voices in Gloria Ladson-Billings's book arecompelling, provocative, and insightful-they provide a powerful'insider' perspective on what it really means to learn to teach allchildren well."
--Marilyn Cochran-Smith, professor of education and editor, Journalof Teacher Education, Boston College, School of Education

"Ladson-Billings, one of the stellar researchers and mostpassionate advocates for social justice, has written yet anothermasterpiece. By weaving the novice teachers' voices, her personalteaching journey, and language rich in compelling research andinspiring metaphors, Ladson-Billings has documented how newteachers transform schools and teach poor children of color."
--Jacquline Jordan Irvine, Candler Professor of Urban Education,Emory University, Division of Educational Studies

"Masterful teacher and teacher-educator Gloria Ladson-Billings hasgiven us--in highly readable form--a brilliant vision of whatteacher education might become. In Crossing Over to Canaan we get aglimpse of how a carefully constructed teacher education programfocused on teaching for social justice can produce excellentteaching, even by young, middle-class teachers-in-training, indiverse educational settings."
--Lisa D. Delpit, Benjamin E. Mays Professor of EducationalLeadership, Georgia State University

The author of the best-selling book The Dreamkeepers shows howteachers can succeed in diverse classrooms. Educating teachers towork well in multicultural classrooms has become an all-importanteducational priority in today's schools. In Crossing Over toCanaan, Gloria Ladson-Billings details the real-life stories ofeight novice teachers participating in an innovative teachereducation program called Teach for Diversity. She details theirstruggles and triumphs as they confront challenges in the classroomand respond with innovative strategies that turn cultural strengthsinto academic assets. Through their experiences, Ladson-Billingsillustrates how good teachers can meet the challenges of teachingstudents from highly diverse backgrounds--and find a way to "crossover to Canaan." She offers a model of teaching that focuses onacademic achievement, cultural competence, and socio-politicalconsciousness.

Drawing from her own experiences as a young African-Americanteacher working in Philadelphia, she successfully weaves togethernarrative, observation, and scholarship to create an inspirationaland practical book that will help teachers everywhere as they workto transcend labels and categories to support excellence among allstudents.
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