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Treating Sexually Abused Boys: A Practical Guide for Therapists & Counselors

ISBN: 978-0-7879-4793-4
288 pages
November 1999, Jossey-Bass
List Price: US $50.95
Government Price: US $35.15
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Part One: A Therapeutic Approach Based on Empowerment.

Chapter 1 Introduction This Book and Its Intended Audience Meetinga Potential Client Sexual Abuse of Boys Empowerment: The Foundationof Recovery Your Responsibilities as a Therapist Conclusion.

Chapter 2 Completing an Initial Assessment Phase 1: Interview withReferring Party Phase 2: Assessment Session Conclusion.

Chapter 3 Individual Therapy Determining When to Use IndividualTherapy Increasing the Likelihood of Success in Individual TherapySample Session Format Addressing Problem BehaviorsConclusion.

Chapter 4 Group Therapy Determining When to Use Group TherapyPlanning a Group Recruiting Group Members Setting Group GoalsLeading a Group Session Preparing a Child to Leave Group TherapyConclusion.

Chapter 5 Working with Parents and Significant Adults Developing aTherapeutic Alliance with the Parent How a Parent Can Help Workingwith Other Significant Adults Conclusion.

Chapter 6 Handling Challenges Individual Therapy Group TherapyChallenges Related to External Factors Administrative ChallengesConclusion.

Part Two: Structured Activities to Use in Therapy.

About the Activities Activity
1 Definitions Activity
2 TV Interview Activity
3 Completing a Self-Evaluation Activity
4 Creating Group Rules Activity
5 Establishing a Ritual for Starting or Ending SessionsActivity
6 Brainstorming Power Behaviors Activity
7 Coping Through Relaxation Activity
8 Affirmations Activity
9 Letting Go of Blame Activity
10 Taking Responsibility for Yourself Activity
11 Forgiving Yourself Activity
12 Feelings Wheel Activity
13 Feelings and Behavior Activity
14 Creating a Slang Chart Activity
15 Making a Floor Plan Activity
16 Sharing the Details Activity
17 Understanding Everything You Always Wanted to KnowActivity
18 Discussing the Big "M" Word Activity
19 Sexuality Quiz Activity
20 Learning to Trust Activity
21 Taking a Trust Walk Activity
22 Deciding Who Will Know Activity
23 You and the People Around You Activity
24 Making and Keeping Friends Activity
25 Creating "Self" and "Offender" Drawings Activity
26 Differentiating Anger That Helps from Anger That HurtsActivity
27 Identifying Your Anger Zone Activity
28 Releasing and Resolving Anger Activity
29 Differentiating Assertive from Aggressive Activity
30 Recognizing What's Always Okay and What's Never OkayActivity
31 Fear Mural Activity
32 Conquering Nightmares Activity
33 Practicing the Problem-Solving Process Activity
34 What If Activity
35 Making Life Choices Activity
36 Clarifying the Connection Between Abuse and ArousalActivity
37 Identifying Your Red Flags Activity
38 Taking Preventive Action Activity
39 Changing Erroneous Thinking Activity
40 Understanding the Sexual Assault Cycle Activity
41 Brainstorming Consequences Activity
42 Establishing a Prevention Plan Activity
43 Taking Action to Avoid Offending Behavior Activity
44 Writing a Letter to the Offender Activity
45 Introducing the Grieving Process Activity
46 Identifying Your Sadness Triggers Activity
47 Meeting with an .

Appendix: Ten Therapeutic Interventions Resources.


The Author.

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