With the Phoenix Rising: Lessons from Ten Resilient Women Who Overcame the Trauma of Childhood Sexual AbuseISBN: 978-0-7879-4784-2
272 pages
August 1999, Jossey-Bass
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"Through its emphasis on survivors' strengths and resilience overthe life course, this book brings a new focus to the study of childsexual abuse. Therapists, researchers, and survivors will gain animportant understanding of resiliency in the context of family,community, and women's lives. The authors give voice to women whohave overcome the trauma of abuse." --Linda M. Williams, directorof research, the Stone Center, Wellesley College
"This important book breaks new ground. . . . For any readerwishing to be inspired by stories of the human spirit's triumphover adversity." --Daniel Brown, Harvard Medical School, SimmonsSchool of Social Work
"The women's voices of With the Phoenix Rising bring to life thespirit and hope every survivor can discover. This wonderful bookhas something to offer new clinicians as well as seasoned traumaprofessionals." --Linda T. Sanford, author of Strong at the BrokenPlaces
"Full of practical wisdom and perspective for trauma cliniciansworking with all trauma survivor groups. Survivors will find theirstrengths and dignity cherished without the slightestaid-and-comfort given to perpetrators and their apologists. Withthe Phoenix Rising palpably enlarges what we know about how atrauma survivor can construct a good human life." --Jonathan Shay,staff psychiatrist, Department of Veteran Affairs; author ofAchilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character
"This important book breaks new ground. . . . For any readerwishing to be inspired by stories of the human spirit's triumphover adversity." --Daniel Brown, Harvard Medical School, SimmonsSchool of Social Work
"The women's voices of With the Phoenix Rising bring to life thespirit and hope every survivor can discover. This wonderful bookhas something to offer new clinicians as well as seasoned traumaprofessionals." --Linda T. Sanford, author of Strong at the BrokenPlaces
"Full of practical wisdom and perspective for trauma cliniciansworking with all trauma survivor groups. Survivors will find theirstrengths and dignity cherished without the slightestaid-and-comfort given to perpetrators and their apologists. Withthe Phoenix Rising palpably enlarges what we know about how atrauma survivor can construct a good human life." --Jonathan Shay,staff psychiatrist, Department of Veteran Affairs; author ofAchilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character