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Integrative Life Planning: Critical Tasks for Career Development and Changing Life Patterns

ISBN: 978-0-7879-0200-1
384 pages
October 1996, Jossey-Bass
List Price: US $52.00
Government Price: US $33.28
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Integrative Life Planning: Critical Tasks for Career Development and Changing Life Patterns (0787902004) cover image

"A visionary work that can only be described as superb. It is destined to make a giant contribution to the field of career development, because it is truly holisitc in weaving together important factors that impact the human condition. The needs of individuals, groups, and communities are considered in the career developmemt process and a realistic and workable conceptual model is proposed. I believe that ILP will become a classic in the field and required reading for career professionals." (Derald Wing Sue, professor, California School of Professional Psychology, Alameda and California State University, Hayward)

?This is an extremely rich feast of resources for the career practitioner, integrating an impressive range of issues and perspectives on life and career planning. It is the best work I have seen in bringing together the finest scholarly thinking and practical experience in holistic life and career development. As we are all try to `find our feet' in this turbulent world, this book is a `must' for every career specialist's tool kit.? (Douglas T. Hall, professor of organizational management, Boston University and author of Care Development in Organizations)

?While this book presents next-wave thinking about career development, it also provides the reader the essential backdrop of the past and assures that present issues are integrated into futuristic thinking. The model rediscovers, reawakens, and revitalizes the field of career development.? (Marvalene Hughes, president, California State University, Stanislaus)

?Twenty-first century work, life planning, and our very personhood are central to this brilliant book. A must book for professionals and for our new generation of students.? (Mary Bradford Ivey, counselor, Fort River School, Amherst, Massachusetts and visiting professor, University of Hawai`i, Manoa Allen E. Ivey, distinguished university professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
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