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Mining eBay Web Services: Building Applications with the eBay API

ISBN: 978-0-7821-4339-3
406 pages
July 2004
Mining eBay Web Services: Building Applications with the eBay API (0782143393) cover image
This title is out-of-print and not currently available for purchase from this site.


Part I Discovering eBay Web Services.

Chapter 1: Learning about eBay Web Services.

Chapter 2: Using eBay Web Services to Your Advantage.

Chapter 3: Defining a Search.

Chapter 4: Working with Web Service Data.

Part II Writing eBay Web Services Programs.

Chapter 5: Starting the Development Process.

Chapter 6: Writing Browser-Based Applications.

Chapter 7: Writing Applications Using VBA.

Chapter 8: Writing Applications Using Visual Studio.

Chapter 9: Writing Applications Using PHP.

Chapter 10: Writing Applications Using Java.

Chapter 11: Writing Applications for Mobile Devices.

Part III Refining Your eBay Web Services Program.

Chapter 12: Crafting Your Application.

Chapter 13: Considering User Needs.

Chapter 14: Other Refinements You Should Consider.


Appendix A: Helpful Third Party Resource Sites.

Appendix B: eBay License Checklist.

Appendix C: Late Breaking eBay Web Services News.



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