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Developing Killer Web Apps with Dreamweaver MX and C#

ISBN: 978-0-7821-4254-9
409 pages
February 2004
Developing Killer Web Apps with Dreamweaver MX and C# (0782142540) cover image
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Download all the code files for the book in .zip format
Zip file containing all the code files from Developing Killer Web Apps with Dreamweaver MX and C#, including Realtor.mdb and Realtor.sql.
3.26 MB Click to Download
Download a .zip file containing publications.mdb
Zip file containing publications.mdb. This is not related to the Realtor app but is used in some of the listings.
95.85 KB Click to Download
Bonus Chapter 1: Developing a Workflow
The file is in PDF format, which requires Adobe Reader.
343.21 KB Click to Download
Bonus Chapter 2: Working with XML
The file is in PDF format, which requires Adobe Reader.
346.29 KB Click to Download
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