Mastering Red Hat Linux 9ISBN: 978-0-7821-4179-5
976 pages
June 2003
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.
Chapter | Page | Details | Date | Print Run |
Combined Errata Page 127 Note at the top of the page, "Apache" should read "the Red Hat FTP server". .
2. Under Installation Parameters, para 1, line 3, "Webserver" should read "FTPserver" Page 206 Para 1, sentence 2, should read " If you've installed GNOME and/or KDE, you can designate either of these as your default desktop."
Page 231 Table 6.12, line 9, "I" should be a lowercase "i"
Page 259 Top of the page, para 1, line 4, Figure 8.3 should read "Figure 8.5"
Page 331 Under Download Sources, para 2, line 1, "zeus" should read ""
Page 376 Para 3, line 1, sentence 2, should read "To make sure it starts the next time you boot Linux, you need to activate it at the desired runlevels.
Page 385 Note at the top of the page, sentence 1 should read, "To understand priorities, keep in mind that nice and renice numbers are reversed in Linux."
Page 390 The definitions for Incremental, and Differential are reversed.
Page 391 Under CD/DVD Backups, para 1, line 2 should read "...hold only around 650 MB of data; various DVDs can 4.7 - 17 GB of data."
Page 394-395 The definitions for Incremental, and Differential are reversed.
Page 394 Note at the bottom of the page, line 3 should read "...properly recorded."
Page 789 First Note, line 3, delete end of sentence "and on the DNS servers of an ISP for the Internet."
Page 822 Para 6, line 3, MYGROP should read "MYGROUP"
Page 906 Table A.29, row 3, description of /etc/vsftpd.user_list, should read "A list of allowed or denied users, depending on the userlist_deny variable in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf."