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Mastering ASP.NET with Visual C#

ISBN: 978-0-7821-2989-2
846 pages
July 2002
Mastering ASP.NET with Visual C# (0782129897) cover image
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.

ChapterPageDetailsDatePrint Run
Combined Errata

Page 114

Listing 5.1, 6th line of code, the "W" in write should be uppercase.

Page 130

In code example, see detailed description
There are two lines of code that
should not be there.

The lines "lblErrors.Visible = true;" and
"lblErrors.Text = sb.ToString();".

Page 166

1st para., 6th line, 2nd sentence, delete the "you" prior to "you're creating a ....."

Page xxiii

XML Schema (XSD), .
The correct definition should read:

"An XML vocabulary that defines the content and format of other XML documents--their elements, attributes, and content type. By using an XML
document in combination with a schema, you can determine whether a document is <i>valid</i>. A document is valid only if it contains the elements, attributes and content specified in its associated schema. Schemas are intended to replace the older Document Type Definition (DTD) format, which also describe the content of XML documents, but are not written in XML."

Note that the <i>valid</i> should be italicized in the preceding definition.

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