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Visual Basic .NET Developer's Handbook

ISBN: 978-0-7821-2879-6
1008 pages
January 2003
Visual Basic .NET Developer's Handbook (0782128793) cover image
This title is out-of-print and not currently available for purchase from this site.

Introduction xxi

Part I Database Programming with .NET

Chapter 1 Introducing Visual Basic .NET 3

Chapter 2 Working with SQL Server 2000 and Visual .NET 27

Chapter 3 ADO.NET: An Architectural Overview 57

Chapter 4 Working with the DataSet 105

Chapter 5 Building Data-Driven Windows Applications 171

Chapter 6 Building Data-Driven Web Applications 235

Chapter 7 The Business Tier 273

Part II Windows Form Projects

Chapter 8 Developing Windows Forms 299

Chapter 9 Programming Windows Forms Controls 341

Chapter 10 Multithreading 399

Chapter 11 Debugging and Deploying .NET Applications 437

Part III Custom Components

Chapter 12 Authoring Custom Components 463

Chapter 13 Building Custom Windows Controls 531

Chapter 14 Building Windows Services 579

Part IV Developing for the Web

Chapter 15 Developing Web Applications with ASP.NET 601

Chapter 16 Programming Web Forms 645

Chapter 17 Internet Programming 699

Chapter 18 The Data-Bound Web Controls 743

Chapter 19 Using XML and Visual Basic .NET 785

Chapter 20 Creating XML Web Services 833

Chapter 21 Securing Applications in ASP.NET 853

Chapter 22 Targeting Mobile Devices 879

Appendix Getting Started with SQL Server 2000 921

Index 941

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