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Java 2 Exam Notes (Programmer's Exam)

ISBN: 978-0-7821-2826-0
258 pages
December 2000
Java 2 Exam Notes (Programmer's Exam) (0782128262) cover image
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.

ChapterPageDetailsDatePrint Run
Combined Errata

Page 17

In the "abstract" section, 1st paragraph, last word should be "abstract", not "final".

Page 38

2nd para, see detailed description
2nd line should read "...that typically comes before..."

Delete third sentence

Page 43

1st paragraph after code block, 2nd line should read in part, "...on line 3 throws ClassNotFoundException."

In the coding example on Lines 6 & 9, "getMessage" is a method and not a variable so should read "getMessage()"

Page 65

The Line: void run(Runnable r); Should Be: void run();

Page 80

1st bullet, the minimum value should be -2^(n-1), NOT -2^(n)-1.

Page 83

Question #1, answers should be B, D, and E. The explanation is correct.

Page 91

The sample indicates that if you cast a int 129 into a byte value that the result would be 127. This implies that the sign bit would be lost. This is incorrect. If you cast 129 into a byte you would get -127. I think what you meant for your example might have been better expressed if you had something like an integer,
short or char 257 and were casting into a byte. Then you would have lost the 9th bit in the wider integral type and the byte value would result in 1.

Correction: In 1st para p.91 change "The new value would be 1" to" The new value would be -127".

Page 99

replace 'no-zero' with 'non-zero'

Page 100

Ques. # 3, answer C should read "x >> 8".

Page 125

Add a closing brace to the doSomething() method and then add a line after line 7 that looks just like line 11. Renumber code lines.

Page 126

2nd para., 2nd part of 1st sentence should read "additionally, it has access to all final arguments and data of the enclosing method."

Page 127

Anonymous inner classes can not have user-defined constructors, as they have no class name, thus args_list gets passed to the appropriate super class constructor (assuming that it exists). In addittion, when an anonymous class implements an interface args_list must be empty, as interfaces have no constructors.

Correct. please delete sentence "Arguments to the constructor appear ..."

Page 174

Under "The max() abd min() Methods" The 2nd group of four bullets all should read "min" vs "max"

Page 178

Question 5 replace '.59' with '.5'.

Page 189


indexOf() and lastIndexOf() return int, not Object.


Correct. replace "Object" with "int" x2

Page 193

the size() method for the Map class is listed and says that it removes the number of mappings in the current map. It should say it "Returns" the number of mappings in the current map.

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