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Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems

ISBN: 978-0-7803-3455-7
452 pages
December 1999, Wiley-IEEE Press
List Price: US $212.25
Government Price: US $141.40
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Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (0780334558) cover image

"The Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) -- a new technologybased on power electronics -- offers an opportunity to enhancecontrollability, stability, and power transfer capability of ACtransmission systems. Pioneers in FACTS and leading world expertsin power electronics applications Narain G. Hingorani and LaszloGyugyi have teamed together to bring you the definitive book onFACTS technology.

Hingorani and Gyugyi present a practical approach to FACTS thatwill enable electrical engineers working in the power industry tounderstand the principles underlying this advanced system.UNDERSTANDING FACTS will also enhance expertise in equipmentspecifications and engineering design, offering an informed view ofthe future of power electronics in AC transmission systems.

This comprehensive reference book provides an in-depth lookat:
* Power semiconductor devices
* Voltage-sourced and current-sourced converters
* Specific FACTS controllers including SVC, STATCOM, TCSC, SSSC,UPFC, IPFC plus voltage regulators, phase shifters, and specialcontrollers with a detailed comparison of their performanceattributes
* Major FACTS applications used in the United States.

UNDERSTANDING FACTS is an authoritative resource that is essentialreading for electrical engineers who want to stay on the cusp ofthe power electronics revolution."

Sponsored by:
IEEE Power Engineering Society.

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