Professional SQL Server 2005 ProgrammingISBN: 978-0-7645-8434-3
912 pages
November 2006
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Chapter 1: Being Objective: Re-Examining Objects in SQL Server.
Chapter 2: Tool Time.
Chapter 3: Basic T-SQL.
Chapter 4: Creating and Altering Tables.
Chapter 5: Reviewing Keys and Constraints.
Chapter 6: Asking a Better Question: Advanced Queries.
Chapter 7: Daring to Design.
Chapter 8: SQL Server — Storage and Index Structures.
Chapter 9: Views.
Chapter 10: Scripts and Batches.
Script Basics.
Chapter 11: Getting Procedural: Stored Procedures and User-Defined.
Chapter 12: Transactions and Locks.
Chapter 13: Triggers.
Chapter 14: Nothing But NET!
Chapter 15: SQL Cursors.
Chapter 16: XML Integration
Chapter 17: Reporting for Duty, Sir!
Chapter 18: Buying in Bulk: the Bulk Copy Program (BCP) and Other Basic Bulk Operations.
Chapter 19: Getting Integrated.
Chapter 20: Replication.
Chapter 21: Looking at Things in Full: Full-Text Search.
Chapter 22: Security.
Security Basics.
Chapter 23: Playing a Good Tune: Performance Tuning.
Chapter 24: Administrator.
Chapter 25: SMO: SQL Management Objects.
Appendix A: System Functions.
Appendix B: Connectivity.
Appendix C: Getting Service.