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Beginning SQL Server 2005 Programming

ISBN: 978-0-7645-8433-6
720 pages
February 2006
Beginning SQL Server 2005 Programming (0764584332) cover image
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Chapter 1: RDBMS Basics: What Makes Up a SQL Server Database?

Chapter 2: Tools of the Trade.

Chapter 3: The Foundation Statements of T-SQL.

Chapter 4: JOINs.

Chapter 5: Creating and Altering Tables.

Chapter 6: Constraints.

Chapter 7: Adding More to Our Queries.

Chapter 8: Being Normal: Normalization and Other Basic Design Issues.

Chapter 9: SQL Server Storage and Index Structures.

Chapter 10: Views.

Chapter 11: Writing Scripts and Batches.

Chapter 12: Stored Procedures.

Chapter 13: User Defined Functions.

Chapter 14: Transactions and Locks.

Chapter 15: Triggers.

Chapter 16: A Brief XML Primer.

Chapter 17: Reporting for Duty, Sir!: A Look At Reporting Services.

Chapter 18: Getting Integrated With Integration Services.

Chapter 19: Playing Administrator.

Appendix A: Exercise Solutions.

Appendix B: System Functions.

Appendix C: Finding the Right Tool.

Appendix D: Very Simple Connectivity Examples.

Appendix E: Installing and Using the Samples.


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