Shih Tzu: Your Happy Healthy Pet, 2nd EditionISBN: 978-0-7645-8384-1
144 pages
April 2005
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Chapter 1: What Is a Shih Tzu?
The Shih Tzu Head.
A Small but Solid Dog.
The Shih Tzu’s Coat.
A Rainbow of Colors.
What the Standard Means for You.
Chapter 2: The Shih Tzu’s Ancestors.
Little Lion Dogs.
Out of the Far East.
The Shih Tzu in America.
Top Dogs.
Shih Tzu in Other Countries.
Chapter 3: What Do You Get With a Shih Tzu?
Hairy Fellows.
Temperament Differences.
Self-Sufficient and Playful.
Set Limits.
Training Tactics.
That Shih Tzu Charm.
Chapter 4: Choosing Your Shih Tzu.
Beginning Your Search.
Finding a Responsible Breeder.
The Adult Dog.
What Your Veterinarian Should Know About Your Shih Tzu.
Part II: Caring for Your Shih Tzu.
Chapter 5: Bringing Your Shih Tzu Home.
Preparing for Your Puppy.
Food and Water Bowls.
Leash and Collar.
Puppy-Proofing Your Home.
Puppy Essentials.
Your Puppy’s Crate and Bed.
Limit Your Pup’s Freedom.
Keeping to a Schedule.
Socializing Your New Shih Tzu.
Chapter 6: Feeding Your Shih Tzu.
Understanding Dog Food Ingredients.
Reading Dog Food Labels.
When and How Much to Feed.
Supplements and Table Scraps.
Special Diets.
All-Important Water.
Chapter 7: Grooming Your Shih Tzu.
Basic Grooming Supplies.
Basic Grooming Manners.
Brushing Techniques.
Grooming and Health Care.
Bathing Your Dog.
Drying and Combing Out Your Dog.
Cutting Your Dog Down.
Choosing a Groomer.
Fleas and Ticks.
Making Your Environment Flea Free.
Other Itchies.
Chapter 8: Keeping Your Shih Tzu Healthy.
Finding the Right Veterinarian.
Routine Health Care.
Common Health Problems.
When to Call the Veterinarian.
Internal Parasites.
Inherited Disorders.
How to Make a Canine First-Aid Kit.
Emergency First Aid.
Why It’s Best Not to Breed Your Dog.
Caring for Your Older Shih Tzu.
Part III: Enjoying Your Shih Tzu.
Chapter 9: Training Your Shih Tzu.
Understanding Builds the Bond.
Practical Commands for Family Pets.
Training for Attention.
Teaching Cooperation.
Chapter 10: Housetraining Your Shih Tzu.
Your Housetraining Shopping List.
The First Day.
Confine Your Pup.
Watch Your Pup.
Accidents Happen.
Scheduling Basics.
Appendix: Learning More About Your Shih Tzu.