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Professional Hibernate

ISBN: 978-0-7645-7677-5
456 pages
October 2004
Professional Hibernate (0764576771) cover image
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All Chapters

Complete code, sample applications, and support files from the book.

In order to provide one convenient download, the material has been stored in an ultra-compressed RAR format. If your computer is not already capable of opening RAR format files, you can download a trial program such as WinRAR to view the material.

7.06 MB Click to Download
Chapters 2-8

Code, sample applications, and support files from Chapters 2 through 8.

The material has been stored in ZIP format. If your computer is not capable of opening ZIP files, you can download a trial program such as WinRAR to view the material.

89.88 KB Click to Download
Chapter 9

Code, sample applications, and support files from Chapter 9.

The material has been stored in ZIP format. If your computer is not capable of opening ZIP files, you can download a trial program such as WinRAR to view the material.

5.78 MB Click to Download
Chapters 10-12

Code, sample applications, and support files from Chapters 10 through 12.

The material has been stored in ZIP format. If your computer is not capable of opening ZIP files, you can download a trial program such as WinRAR to view the material.

20.28 KB Click to Download
Chapter 13

Code, sample applications, and support files from Chapter 13.

The material has been stored in ZIP format. If your computer is not capable of opening ZIP files, you can download a trial program such as WinRAR to view the material.

6.61 MB Click to Download
Chapters 14-21

Code, sample applications, and support files from Chapters 14 through 21.

The material has been stored in ZIP format. If your computer is not capable of opening ZIP files, you can download a trial program such as WinRAR to view the material.

1.35 MB Click to Download
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