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Beginning Regular Expressions

ISBN: 978-0-7645-7489-4
768 pages
February 2005
Beginning Regular Expressions (0764574892) cover image
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Chapter 1: Introduction to Regular Expressions.

Chapter 2: Regular Expression Tools and an Approach to Using Them.

Chapter 3: Simple Regular Expressions.

Chapter 4: Metacharacters and Modifiers.

Chapter 5: Character Classes.

Chapter 6: String, Line, and Word Boundaries.

Chapter 7: Parentheses in Regular Expressions.

Chapter 8: Lookahead and Lookbehind.

Chapter 9: Sensitivity and Specificity of Regular Expressions.

Chapter 10: Documenting and Debugging Regular Expressions.

Chapter 11: Regular Expressions in Microsoft Word.

Chapter 12: Regular Expressions in StarOffice/OpenOffice.org Writer.

Chapter 13: Regular Expressions Using findstr.

Chapter 14: PowerGREP.

Chapter 15: Wildcards in Microsoft Excel.

Chapter 16: Regular Expression Functionality in SQL Server 2000.

Chapter 17: Using Regular Expressions with MySQL.

Chapter 18: Regular Expressions and Microsoft Access.

Chapter 19: Regular Expressions in JScript and JavaScript.

Chapter 20: Regular Expressions and VBScript.

Chapter 21: Visual Basic .NET and Regular Expressions.

Chapter 22: C# and Regular Expressions.

Chapter 23: PHP and Regular Expressions.

Chapter 24: Regular Expressions in W3C XML Schema.

Chapter 25: Regular Expressions in Java.

Chapter 26: Regular Expressions in Perl.

Appendix A: Exercise Answers.


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