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Beginning JavaServer Pages

ISBN: 978-0-7645-7485-6
1296 pages
February 2005
Beginning JavaServer Pages (076457485X) cover image
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.

ChapterPageDetailsDatePrint Run
7 Typo in Second Paragraph
Second paragraph, second line:

"In order words"
should be
"In other words"
32 Figure error
Figure 2-1

<p>The name of this book is <wroxtags:bookTitle/> x/p>
<p>It is published by <wroxtags:publisher/>.<xp> should be:

<p>The name of this book is <wroxtags:bookTitle/> </p>
<p>It is published by <wroxtags:publisher/>. &l/p
52 Text error in shaded box
Shaded Box: The book name should be changed from:

Beginning Web Development with HTML, XHTML and CSS
Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML and CSS
68 Error in shaded box, line 3
In the shaded box, in line 3, the keywords "user" and "username" should be interchanged.
71 Add line to Exercise 1
Exercise #1:

In the screen shot, add the following line just below the heading "Entertainment News Just For You":

"Reality TV Show rating Falling"
263 Error in Text
at the end of the page, the lines:

Sharks attacked swimmers, nobody survived!

should read as

Sharks attacked swimmers, swimmers survived!
263 Error in Code
Code should read:

<td><h3> Sharks attacked swimmers, nobody survived!</h3.</td>

should read as

<td><h3> Sharks attacked swimmers, swimmers survived!</h3.</td>
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