Jakarta Struts For Dummies®ISBN: 978-0-7645-5957-0
408 pages
April 2004
This title is out-of-print and not currently available for purchase from this site.
Mike Robinson has been working in the computing field since,
well, when minicomputers were popular. He has a master’s
degree in computer science and has been an independent Java
developer specializing in interactive Web applications since 1998.
Mike is an adjunct faculty member in the Computer Science
Department at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield,
Iowa. If he had any spare time, he would probably spend it hiking.
Ellen Finkelstein is the author of numerous best-selling computer books on AutoCAD, PowerPoint, Flash, and most recently OpenOffice.org. She writes regular articles on AutoCAD and PowerPoint in magazines, e-zines, and for Web sites. She is an adjunct Instructor of Management, teaching e-business courses to M.B.A. students. She writes at home so that she can take the bread out of the oven on time.