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Beginning Access 2003 VBA

ISBN: 978-0-7645-5659-3
552 pages
September 2004
Beginning Access 2003 VBA (0764556592) cover image
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Do you think you've discovered an error in this book? Please check the list of errata below to see if we've already addressed the error. If not, please submit the error via our Errata Form. We will attempt to verify your error; if you're right, we will post a correction below.

ChapterPageDetailsDatePrint Run
85 Error in Text
In the 'How It Works' section:
The IsNothing function returns a value of False if the objConnection object is equal to Nothing in which case you simply return a value of False to the caller of this function.

Should be:
The IsNothing function returns a value of True if the objConnection object is equal to Nothing in which case you simply return a value of False to the caller of this function.
4 112 Error in Code
Step 2 of "Try it Out":
the last line of the code:
End Function

should be:
End Sub
119 Error in Example
paragraph entitled "Creating Class Heirarchies":
example reads:
Public ItemDetails As OrderDetails

should read:
Public OrderDetails As Orders
165 Error in Code
Code line begins with: " 'execute the delete command against the database cmdCommand.Execute "

Should exclude the word "delete" because this is a SaveCurrentRecord procedure.
170 Error in Text
The paragrpah beginning with the phrase:
"If the SaveAll procedure was being called because you're in AddNew Record mode, "

Should read:
"If the SaveCurrentRecord procedure was being called while you're in the AddNew Record mode, "
5 Ch.5 Error in Code
If Not rsContacts.BOF Then (This evaluates true if first in form
'save the id of the current (previous) record
intCurContact = rsContacts!intContactId
End If

should be: 'move to the next record in the local recordset since the
'current one is being deleted
If Not rsContacts.EOF Then
'save the id of the current (next) record
intCurContact = rsContacts!intContactId
End If
346 Error in Multiple Steps
In the description of the following Steps, the "clsProjects" should be changed to "clsContacts":

Step 2, Page 346
Step 3, Page 348
Step 4, Page 349
Step 5, Page 349
Step 6, Page 350
Step 7, Page 351
Step 8, Page 351
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